Shannon Rambow

Administrative Assistant

Accounts Receivable

Often you need Branch Assistance. Command Services Inc. will have the dedicated adjusters you need usually within 24-48 Hours after contact for Catastrophe situations. 

The most important thing is to define your goals

​Richard Unite

 Vice President

Liaison International Affairs

Would you like a worry free CLAIM?

Wouldn't we all?  It's not impossible to get what you want!  Now you can!  Finally, you can have the service you want without the worry of what tomorrow is going to hold for you financially. Global Adjusting Corp is dedicated to helping you achieve all of your future goals and expectations with ease, comfort and security.

What Really Matters

    Our team consist of a highly experienced group of professional adjusters with various backgrounds of expertise. From EGA's, GA's and highly experienced adjusters, We are here to help all of our clients and their insured's with custom or unique needs related to their property and casualty claims. No claim is too big or small for us, our goal is to simply help create a positive outcome for all of our clients and insureds. 

    At Global Adjusting Corp. we understand that claims management can be a "disaster" for some companies and definitely uncertainty, especially in today's adjusting world. Most companies that are in the adjusting business, shouldn't be there.   But rest assure, for twenty years, we've helped clients and insureds just like you with all types of commercial and residential claims successfully and with the happiest results for all. You can be assured that the insured will also be cared for with the dignity and respect that they deserve especially after a disaster or just a  simple water leak and their claims will  be met satisfactorily and honestly. We want to help make that goal become a reality for you and your insured too.

Roy Armstrong

Assistant Vice President

Field Claims

Robert Miller

Vice President

About Us

Where many adjusting companies may struggle to maintain claims as they come in by the thousands, our technology is ahead of the game allowing us to handle your claims as fast as you send them!  After receiving your files electronically through web services, we get an immediate notification and start the process. Within minutes our adjusters have their files and with a no touch system, they are on their way to handle your claims. No Mistakes ~ No Waiting ~ No Hassle. We efficiently handle the files by zip coding our claims, saving our adjusters travel time which ensures you are getting the results much quicker than other companies can provide.  

Richard Ayoub


Dan Key

Training Instructor

Henrik Bruun

Chief Technology Officer


Barry R Smith

Xactimate Certified Trainer

Kal Burdick

Vice President

International Marketing 

Before a Catastrophe Hits your Insured

Bad habits are hard to break, don't do what other Insurance Carriers do and wait for a week after the storm to deploy your adjusting team! By waiting, all the really experienced adjusters are already working. Call us immediately and we will help you set up logistically in the area of your choice, at no additional cost to you.  Setting up your claims management to run smoothly efficiently will be cost effective with our new ClaimEDGE II

Web Services

​​Catastrophe Claims​

​​Global Adjusting Corp arranges your claims management to ensure they run smoothly, efficiently and cost effectively for regular business or a catastrophe. Our adjusters will be on the ground the minute it is safe to enter the area  All of our claims are zip coded so adjusters do not run across town several times, making your claims handling much more efficient. We are the only adjusting company that does this because we continue to improve our software as technology advances.  

Gary Cleveland

Corporate Pilot



Valerie Ayoub

Chief Financial Officer

Nicole Ayoub

Events Coordinator

​​Mobile Command Center​________

Our 42 foot Mobile Command Center contains Satellite up and down link for internet, satellite mobile phone for constant communication at ground zero. How many adjusting companies do you know that have this available for their clients?


S.A.S. 70 Compliant

Accounting and Claims Handling on the web; dangerous to most companies but rest assured that you are fully protected.  Global Adjusting Corp is compliant in all departments, priding ourselves on strict safeguards and utilizing the latest software to check ourselves. We believe in doing things one way and that is correctly!

Global Adjusting Corp
"Professional Adjusters ~ Professional Results"

Virginia Deighan

Vice President

Builders Risk

Walter Huff

Huff Technology


Charles Baldwin

Vice President

Vendor Staffing

Support Staff

We are a large and specialized group of adjusters covering all facets of insurance, who believe in what we do. We are dedicated, experienced and we won’t make a promise we are not able to deliver.  We are all well-seasoned in the industry having spent a large amount of time in our profession; we know our business!  
We have a large number of adjusters on standby, ready and willing to be dispatched when the word is given, including many who are prepared for immediate international assignments as we are “Global Adjusting Corp.”
We are, hands down, the best in the industry and we know it!  We care about the quality of our work and take the time needed to complete all the necessary steps of each and every claim. We refuse to take shortcuts, as is a common practice for most in this industry; these “time-savers” wind up costing you more in the end and the only ones who win are the attorneys! 
We will not be the cheapest in the market but in this profession you get what you pay for and we therefore we pay our adjusters above what is considered the norm.  In turn, they understand our core values and the expectations set by our company; they are willing to give more of their talent and time in keeping us best in class.   

So next time you want the best, remember:


Mazizi Msutu ​

Assistant Vice President

Liaison International Affairs
